Thoughts on Autism


Thoughts on Autism

What can I say that hasn’t already been said about Autism? All I can offer is my experience and my son’s journey. We have learned many things on his journey such as the power of seeing him and not the diagnosis, letting him grow at his own pace, teaching him about the world, and most importantly, loving him for who he is. His journey has not been the easiest, but it has been rewarding. I am very lucky. I have been able to be a stay-at-home mom and raise him and watch him grow up. He will be graduating from high school next year so we will be starting a new chapter in our lives. People do not talk about what happens to the children with Autism when they grow up. And that breaks my heart. Just because they grow up does not mean they do not have Autism. The Autism does not magically go away when you turn 18.  My son has Asperger’s Disorder, and he has his life plan all worked out but so many kids do not. He came home from school one day and talked to me about a friend of his that has Autism and is worried about her future. Are these children going to just get lost in the system like so many children do? Just something to think about… We must be proactive and prepare our Autistic children for adulthood and the world they are entering. If not, we are not doing our jobs as parents.

“People think about Autism as something with kids. Those kids grow up.” Jason Katims



Jason Katims quote

Autism photo


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