Corona Virus: Covid 19

“Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.” Buddha

I cannot believe that it has been so long since I wrote a blog post. I sincerely apologize. Since the COVID 19 pandemic started, it seems that my life has been turned upside down. But I know it is like that with many people. Personally, I was totally unprepared for this pandemic. So, I ended up in panic mode and very anxious for the unknown.

As a parent, I never imagined the frustration and anxiety that my children would suffer. My 15-year-old son goes to public school. He is Autistic and he really struggled with the change in his routine, being homeschooled and doing his classwork remotely on a laptop. The google meets and zoom sessions helped some. The hardest part was not being able to see his friends. Because of this his socialization suffered but he persevered through it all. My 12-year-old daughter is homeschooled so I did not imagine how much this pandemic would affect her. All her activities changed as well. She could not go to hippotherapy or go out in public due to her low immune system. She is a social butterfly by nature, and she did not understand why she could not go out in public. In her mind it felt like a punishment. As parents, we both talked to children but in their minds, it was not fair. And it was not.

In these times of despair, frustration and uncertainty I tried to make this a learning experience and it was. I have learned so much from spending so much time at home with my family. First, I learned how much my children truly do eat when they are bored lol. Second, I was able to get to know my kids again. Third, I learned that my family was experiencing the same frustration and anxiety that I was. Fourth, I learned that I have an amazing family and we are going to get through this. And finally, I learned a few life changing lessons along the way.

Buddha quote
Coronavirus Picture

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